Skippin’ Pebble is the agency in charge of organizing and conducting all of the programs from this web site. As such, it guarantees the execution of the program. The Client is obligated to provide any information which is required for the reservation process as well as reading the terms and conditions before booking and confirming.
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: General Terms and Conditions) determine the manner and conditions under which Skippin’ Pebble Travel Agency (hereinafter: the Agency) contracts and provides services related to bespoke holiday (hereinafter: active retreats) and other services from the subject of the Agency’s business (hereinafter: services). The General Terms and Conditions apply to all persons who take certain actions to contract the Services (for example by booking the Services), persons who have contracted the Services and to persons entitled to use the Services (hereinafter: the contractor, user), on the one hand and the Agency, on the other side. In case of discrepancy between the General Terms and Conditions and the provisions of individual contracts contracting for services, which exist between the user of services and the Agency (hereinafter: the contract), the provisions of the contract shall apply.
If the combination of services offered by the Agency represents a package deal in terms of the Law on Provision of Services in Tourism, the user has all the rights arising from the provisions of the Law on Provision of Services in Tourism and relating to package deals. The Agency is then fully responsible for the proper execution of the package deal as a whole. The Agency is responsible for the execution of all services covered by the contract which contracted such services, regardless of whether those services must be performed by themselves or by other service providers. The Agency is not responsible for the implementation of services that represent a package deal, if the Agency only mediates in the sale or advises on how to implement or organize the service. The user is obliged, without undue delay and taking into account the circumstances of the case, to notify the Agency of any non-compliance found during the retreat. If any of the services is not performed in accordance with the contract, the Agency shall, at the request of the service user, correct that non-compliance, unless this is not possible or if the elimination of non-compliance would cause disproportionate costs taking into account the extent of non-compliance. If the Agency does not correct the non-compliance, the user is entitled to a price reduction or compensation, at the option of the Agency. If the Agency does not correct the non-compliance, which it is obliged to correct within a reasonable time, the user can do it himself and demand reimbursement of necessary costs. The user is not obliged to set a reasonable deadline for the Agency to correct the non-compliance if the Agency refused to correct the non-compliance or if the non-compliance needs to be corrected immediately.
Rights of users and obligations of the Agency in case of impossibility to perform a significant part of retreat services.
If a significant part of the services cannot be provided in accordance with the contract, the Agency is obliged to offer the user appropriate alternative services, preferably of equal or higher quality than those specified in the contract, without additional costs for the user, including when the user is not provided return to the place of departure as agreed.
If the Agency proposes an alternative service of a lower quality than the one specified in the contract, the Agency is obliged to grant the user an appropriate price reduction. The user may refuse the proposed services only if they are not comparable to what was agreed in the contract or if the approved price reduction is inappropriate. If the non-compliance significantly affects the performance of the service and if the Agency does not correct the non-compliance within a reasonable time specified by the user, the user may terminate the contract without paying termination fee and demand, if necessary, price reduction and / or compensation. If the service includes the transport of the user, the Agency is obliged to ensure the repatriation of the user by an equivalent transport without undue delay, without additional costs for the user. Additional costs shall be borne by the Agency.
If it is not possible to provide alternative services or if the user rejects the proposed alternative services, the user is entitled, if necessary, to a price reduction and / or compensation, without terminating the contract. If the service includes the transport of the user, the Agency is obliged to ensure the repatriation of the user by an equivalent transport without undue delay, without additional costs for the user. Additional costs shall be borne by the Agency.
Bearing the costs of necessary accommodation
When due to unavoidable extraordinary circumstances it is not possible to ensure the return of the beneficiary in accordance with the contract, the Agency is obliged to bear the costs of necessary accommodation for up to three nights per beneficiary, if possible in an equivalent category of accommodation contracted. If European Union legislation on user rights applicable to the relevant means of transport for the return of users provides for longer periods, those periods shall apply. The cost cap does not apply to persons with reduced mobility, as defined in Article 2 (a) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the rights of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility when traveling by air (OJ L 204, 26.7.2006) and any accompanying persons, pregnant women and minors unaccompanied and to persons in need of special medical assistance, provided that the Agency is notified of their special needs at least 48 hours before the start of the retreat. The Agency may not invoke exceptional circumstances which could not have been avoided in order to limit liability if the transport service provider cannot invoke such circumstances in accordance with the applicable European Union legislation. The Agency has a legally prescribed guaranteed guarantee for the compensation of the user’s payments and ensuring the repatriation of the user in case it becomes insolvent.
Price reduction
The user is entitled to appropriate price reductions for each period during which there was a non-compliance with the contracted service, unless the Agency shows that the non-compliance may attract users or other circumstances in which the Agency is not possible.
The Beneficiary has the right, regardless of reduced prices or termination of the contract, to claim from the Agency applying a fee for any previously possible as a result of any non-compliance, and the Agency is obliged to reimburse the Beneficiary without undue conclusions.
The Agency shall be released from liability if it is necessary to demonstrate:
Limitation and exclusion of liability
The provisions of the travel contract in the package arrangement which exclude or limit the liability of the travel organizer for damage are null and void.
The provision of the package travel contract is valid, which limits in advance the amount of compensation for damages not resulting from bodily injury or for damages not intentionally caused by the Agency or negligence to an amount not less than three times the total price of the package.
If international conventions binding on the European Union or legal regulations based on them limit the scope of compensation to be paid by the travel service provider that is part of the package or limit the conditions under which he is obliged to compensate, then the assumptions, limitations and exclusions apply appropriately to the organizer and he may refer to the passenger in relation to it.
Competition for damages or price reductions
The user’s right to compensation or price reduction does not affect the user’s rights in accordance with:
The user has the right to submit requests for price reduction and / or compensation in accordance with this Act and in accordance with the said international conventions and regulations. Compensation for damage or reduction of the price to which the user is entitled in accordance with the Law on the Provision of Services in Tourism and compensation for damage or reduction of the price to which he is entitled in accordance with the above international conventions shall be deducted from each other to avoid excessive compensation and / or excessive price reduction.
Statute of Limitations
The right of the user to request a price reduction expires within two years. The limitation period shall begin to run on the first day after the day on which the contract expedition is to end.
Obligation to provide assistance
The Agency undertakes to provide appropriate assistance to the beneficiary in difficulty, and in particular in exceptional circumstances, without undue delay, in particular:
If the beneficiary has caused the difficulty intentionally or negligently, the Agency may charge a reasonable fee for the assistance, which may not exceed the actual costs of the organizer.
Terms, content and prices of services are available on the Agency’s website
The user has the right to submit a written complaint about the services provided. The complaint can be submitted by mail, fax or e-mail. The Agency undertakes to confirm its receipt in writing without delay and to respond in writing to any complaint received within 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
It is possible to book a retreat via the online booking form, by phone, by e-mail or through an agent. Regardless of the route by which the holiday retreat is booked, the contractor undertakes to submit to the Agency all required data and / or documents necessary for the realization of services. If the contractor makes the application on behalf of other service users, the contractor agrees to assume all obligations of the user for whom he contracts services. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage resulting from the provision of inaccurate or incomplete data or documents.
If the service is booked through an agency representative, special terms and conditions of payment, prescribed by the agent, may apply.
All additional services that are highlighted in the pre-contractual information, and/or in the service program, the contractor should request within the appropriate period specified in the pre-contractual information and before concluding the contract. Additional services are not included in the basic price and are charged extra. The User may request optional and special services during the expedition and the Agency undertakes to make every effort to meet all reasonable requirements whereby all such services are paid for separately, in the currency of the country where the service is provided or in kuna equivalent.
Payment, depending on the situation, can be made directly to the Agency or the agency representative. All prices for additional services / fees listed in the program / pre-contractual information are subject to change until the conclusion of the contract.
The service contract is concluded through the online booking form or through other booking channels.
Reservation via the online booking form
If the contractor reserves the retreat via the online booking form, the contract will be deemed concluded at the time the contractor receives a written confirmation of the reservation and a copy of the contract. By booking a retreat via the online booking form, the user, among other things, undertakes to pay an advance payment of 30% of the total price of services and any additional services and facilities reserved (eg accommodation, boat, sport equipment, etc.). The advance payment will be included in the price of services.
At least 7 weeks before the start of the implementation of the contracted services, the Agency undertakes to submit to the user all the contractual documentation for the contracted services. At least 6 weeks before the start of the implementation of the contracted services, the user undertakes to pay the remaining amount of the total price of the contracted services and reserved additional services and content. Any additional and / or subsequent requests, which are not covered by the concluded contract, will be treated and processed as separate requests.
Booking through other booking channels
In the case of a call for tenders for the provision of a service contract by telephone, e-mail or agency, the contractor shall be provided with a contract proposal which shall be deemed to have been concluded after it has been signed by both parties or otherwise clearly confirmed. consent (e.g. by email, payment, making credit card information available). Among other things, the beneficiary undertakes to pay the Agency a certain amount of the advance payment in the draft contract without delay. The advance payment will be included in the price of the retreat.
If the user does not make the payment prescribed by the contract by the contractual deadline, the provisions of the contract shall apply.
Prior to the start of the retreat, the user may transfer the contract to another person who meets all the conditions applicable to that contract if he has notified the Agency on a durable medium and within a reasonable time before the start of the retreat. Notice sent to the Agency no later than seven days before the start of the package deal shall be considered a notice within a reasonable time.
The transferor and the recipient of the contract are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the amount of the price of the services and for any additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer of the contract.
The Agency undertakes to inform the transferor of the actual costs of the transfer of the contract, which must not be unreasonable and must not exceed the actual cost of the agency caused by the transfer of the contract.
The Agency undertakes to provide the transferor with evidence to justify additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer of the contract.
It is considered that by submitting a request for a change of service user, the user agrees to pay the Agency all actually incurred administrative costs.
If the transfer of the contract to another user means a change that is not allowed by the end-service providers or if such change requires significant additional activities of the Agency, the Agency has the right to refuse the transfer of the contract.
In the event that the service is not performed in accordance with the service contract, the user has the right to claim damages from the agency.
The User undertakes to inform the Agency without delay and on the spot about all objections he has to the provision of services, which he notices during the implementation of services. In case the user does not inform the Agency about the objections he has to the provision of services, it will be considered that he knowingly contributed to the improper execution of the contract and this will reduce his right to compensation.
In order to facilitate the exercise of the right to compensation, the service user is advised to obtain written evidence that the services have not been provided in accordance with the contract. It is to be expected that the evidence will be more difficult to gather as more time elapses than the completion of the provision of services, so, in the interest of service users, it is recommended that a claim for damages be submitted immediately after the service.
The user is recommended to take travel cancellation insurance. In case the beneficiary has not contracted any other insurance, the Agency suggests insurance described on the “Insurance” page in the footer of our website.
Termination of the contract by the user with the obligation to pay a fee
The user has the right, for any reason not mentioned in these general terms and conditions, to terminate the contract with the obligation to pay a fee for cancellation of the retreat and by sending a written notice to the Agency. In this case, the cancellation fee (per person) will be:
Service replacement request
In the event that the user has not exercised the right to terminate the contract and the Agency, through no fault of the service user, canceled the service, the user may request fulfillment of the contract by offering another similar service, and if the Agency is able to provide it.
No appearance
If the user, due to negligence, his own mistake, accident, force majeure or loss of will to participate in the retreat does not show up at the agreed location and at the agreed time on the day of departure of the retreat, the user is obliged to pay 100% of the total price.
Termination of the contract by the agency before the start of the retreat
The Agency may unilaterally terminate the service contract if the retreat has not been booked by the minimum number of participants specified in the description of the retreat. The Agency is obliged to inform the service user about the cancellation within the deadlines specified in the description of the retreat or within the following deadlines:
Sudden and unpredictable events
In case of cancellation caused by force majeure, which means sudden and unpredictable events that cannot be influenced and whose consequences could not be prevented despite the attempts and cannot be avoided despite the best will and careful handling, the already paid amount will be refunded. Some of the events that are implied and considered force majeure are: state orders, strikes, war or war conditions, epidemics, natural disasters, etc.
Termination of the contract by the agency after the start of the retreat
If the user, by grossly inappropriate behavior, regardless of the warning, permanently disrupts the implementation of the retreat, the Agency is not obliged to continue to provide the contracted services. Also, the Agency is released from the obligation to fulfill the contract if it turns out that the user’s psycho-physical condition, according to the agency, is not suitable for safe and undisturbed retreat, the user is then required to pay 100% of the total price of the retreat. In both cases, the user is obliged to compensate any damage caused to the Agency.
Price change
Provided that the service contract was concluded more than 45 days before the start of the retreat, due to changed circumstances beyond its control, the Agency may change the price of the retreat confirmed in the reservation.
In the event that the prices of the retreat increase by more than 10 percent, the user can withdraw from the contract without the obligation to pay a cancellation fee.
Changes after the start of the expedition
If, for any reason, after the start of the retreat, it turns out that a significant part of the contracted services will not or cannot be performed according to the retreat plan, the Agency will, at its own expense, undertake reasonable changes to the retreat plan so that the retreat is carried out as closely as possible to the retreat plan, while retaining, as far as possible, all agreed characteristics and quality of services. If the user does not accept this measure, for justified reasons, the Agency will, without any additional fees, if possible, offer transport of the client to the place of departure or to another place agreed with the client. The agency undertakes to make every effort to help the customer overcome any difficulties that have arisen.
The agency assumes that the user is aware that a valid passport is generally required to travel abroad. Prior to concluding the contract, the Agency shall inform service users of the relevant additional regulations on entry into foreign countries relating to passports, visas and medical formalities, as well as the request of regulations relating to foreign currencies and customs duties to the extent that such information can be accessed from Croatia. Upon request, the Agency shall, as far as possible, provide information on special regulations for foreigners, stateless persons as well as holders of dual citizenship. All damage that may occur due to non-compliance with the above regulations shall be borne by the user.
The Agency implies that service users were informed in time, before the start of the retreat, about the Croatian visa system.
Health and sanitary formalities
The Agency implies that service users provided time to inform about the health and sanitary formalities in Croatia. The Agency will inform users about important health and sanitary formalities before the start of the retreat.
The Agency implies that service users provided time to inform about the value of the Croatian currency, before the start of retreat. The Agency recommends that the information is checked at the following link:
In Lošinj is possible to pay with all known credit and debit cards and withdraw money at ATMs, and there are also large and well-known international banks. As we will be moving away from populated areas and especially away from cities, most of the time on our retreats, users are advised to always have enough cash for any additional costs that are not included in the price of the retreat. Smaller village shops often do not accept cards and if you decide to buy a souvenir on remote island, cash is the only option.
When describing all accommodation, accommodation facilities, possible means of transport, restaurants, etc. listed in the retreat program, the official categorization of the local tourist organization at the time of issuing the program was taken into account. Standards of services, means of transport and accommodation facilities, however, are not comparable.
The Agency reserves the right to change the planned accommodation, provided that it organizes accommodation in the same or higher category.
In case the client rents a vehicle he/she participates in road traffic at his/her own risk and obliges to comply with all relevant traffic regulations. The user is responsible for fines, administrative fines or similar sanctions, as well as damages caused to third parties, which occur due to non-compliance with local traffic regulations.
Users are asked to keep in mind that good general health that matches the description of a particular retreat is a prerequisite for participation in the retreat. Members of the retreat who do not meet these prerequisites may be excluded from participation in the entire retreat or in certain parts of the retreat without the Agency being obliged to explain the decision.
In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the retreat. As a member of the retreat, the user obliges to present valid evidence to the Agency in case of doubt about his health condition, ie, if necessary, a medical certificate.
If the client drives a vehicle or operates a vessel, he/she is not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages, or take medications or other substances that affect the ability to drive. This also applies to passengers. Alcoholic beverages may be consumed only after the completion of the respective daily plan and program of the retreat. If alcohol is consumed or if medications and other harmful and illicit substances are taken after the end of the daily tour, the user must ensure that it does not impair his ability to participate in retreat program of the following days. In case of non-compliance with these conditions and regulations, the Agency reserves the right to temporarily exclude the user from the retreat.
During the retreat, the user will be responsible for all personal and material damages caused to the agency or third parties through fault or negligence and will, without delay, cover all material and/or personal costs to the Agency and third parties.
Personal responsibility
The Skippin’ Pebbles authorized guide (s) determines the activity plan that the user follows at his own risk. If the user is unable to follow the plan, he will stop the activity and notify the guide without delay.
The user is personally responsible for taking care of his and the Agencies equipment and other luggage/tools/props. Any liability of the agency in this case will be excluded. It is recommended to store personal valuables and documents in the safe or with the accommodation officials. If the user carries his valuables, he is advised to keep them stored securely and firmly tied to the body.
In case the user does not comply with the rules and regulations, does not listen to the instructions of an authorized guide, the Agency reserves the right to cancel the contract and in that case, charge the full price. The user is responsible for all traffic violations committed by himself and obliges to bear the costs of violations and penalties.
The user is responsible for the damage caused to nature, natural and cultural heritage or third parties during the participation in the retreat, and will bear the blame for it. In the event that the user does not comply with these regulations, the Agency reserves the right to cancel the contract and charge the full price of the retreat from the service user.
The user accepts that all photos, slides and videos taken by agency representatives during the retreat are the property of the agency.
The user is aware that the Agency records retreats, for the purpose of promoting the work of the agency and / or its guides and / or for the purpose of creating memories for the user of services. In case the User does not want the photo or video materials on which he is on to be used for the described purposes, he is free to ask the agency not to use such materials before the retreat, during or within 10 days from the end of the retreat.
Due to seasonal circumstances and current weather conditions, the Agency reserves the right to change the plan of the retreat, and thus other services, if necessary. In doing so, the Agency will endeavor to maintain the basic features of the retreat and to provide at least similar services. The Agency will endeavor to adapt the retreat plan to the current weather conditions in the areas covered by the retreat.
The Agency does not bear any responsibility for bad weather conditions that may arise, thus the participant has no right to request a refund of the money paid for the reservation of the retreat.
Various participants take part in Skippin’ Pebble retreats. The Agency obliges to make every effort to ensure that groups are formed from participants of equal fitness level and similar interests. The user, on the other hand, accepts the possibility that, for whatever reason, there will be participants of unequal fitness level and different interests within the same group. The user further obliges to show understanding and respect to all other participants of the retreat.
Retreat reservations are based on the assumption that the contractor or user is fully aware of the fact that in addition to the usual dangers and risks of outdoor activities, there may be specific dangers and risks involved during Skippin’ Pebble retreats.
Some of the possible dangers and risks are: prolonged and intense physical exertion; sudden extreme weather conditions; distance from usual basic medical care; difficulties with transport or evacuation after accidents.
The user is fully aware of and accepts the facts:
Participation in the retreat implies unpredictable safety and other risks arising from being involved in outdoor activities such as hard-to-reach, demanding terrain through less developed areas.
Participation in the retreat implies significantly higher security and other risks than the participants are accustomed to in everyday life.
Emotional excitement and adrenaline excitement that brings with it uncertainty and increased risk are an important motivating factor for participating in the retreat and are largely the reason why the user decided to participate.
There are possibilities such as: failure to reach the planned daily destination, deviation from the planned daily plan and program, illness and injury of the guide or participants; mechanical defects; flight changes; demonstrations; difficulties in crossing the border and more.
Participation in outdoor activities such as swimming, kayaking, rock climbing, diving or any similar activities that participants may, at their own risk, have the opportunity to do during the retreat, carries an increased risk of injury.
All property (valuables, equipment, clothing, etc.) is borne by the user on the retreat at his own risk.
We often go through less developed areas where habits and awareness related to personal safety may differ from those to which the user is accustomed. The user accepts all the consequences that affect his health and that arise from such different patterns of behavior, lifestyle, traffic situation and culture.
During the entire duration of the retreat, the user accepts the authority and decisions of the guide, the team accompanying the retreat and the employee of the Agency. If one of these persons decides that due to the health condition, ie the behavior of the participants, the continuation of the retreat is endangered, the participant may be excluded from the continuation of participation in the retreat.
If the user finds himself in difficulty or wants to report any non-compliance found during the retreat, he can do so by using the contacts published on the “Contacts” page within the footer of this website.
If the user wishes to lodge praise or complaints, he can do so by using the contacts published on the “Contacts” page within the footer of this website.
The authorized body for alternative resolution of consumer disputes, which includes the Agency, is the Conciliation Center at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Rooseveltov trg 2, 10000 Zagreb, 10000,
For services purchased online, the user can file a complaint with the ADR Authority using the online consumer dispute resolution platform available at the following website address index.cfm? event = & lng = EN
Competent body to whose official supervision the activity of the tourist agency in performing and providing services in tourism is subject of: State Inspectorate, Šubićeva 29, 10 000 Zagreb
Croatian law is relevant for the determination of mutual rights and obligations between the contractor / user / user of services and the agency, showing the application of the rule on possible reference to the application of the rules of another country.
Disputes arising in connection with the contracting or provision of agency services are subject to the jurisdiction of the court with actual jurisdiction according to the headquarters of the agency.
The Agency may correct typographical and budgetary errors at any time. If individual regulations of these general terms and conditions become legally invalid or if they are legally invalid, it does not make the other regulations invalid.